Our Mission
Providing hope and practical assistance to those experiencing food insecurity through food distribution to the homeless, seniors, veterans, women and children, homebound, disabled, unemployed and the working poor.
Our Focus
Serving those experiencing food insecurity including:
Serving those experiencing food insecurity including:
Women and Children
Working Poor
Our Approach
Partner with other non-profit organizations to maximize our efforts to help those less fortunate. Provide hands-on opportunities for those receiving services to volunteer to help others.
Our Promise
To faithfully and energetically serve by seizing the opportunities God provides.
Our Scope
First—Washington, DC, especially Wards in 7 & 8, the two most underserved wards in the city.
Second—Northern VA, Surburban MD and Shenandoah County VA.
Third—Nationwide, to develop food banks and food pantries in other cities.